paralytic ileus

2009. 3. 9. 10:12pharm/의학

장폐색증(症, ileus)이란
사전적인 의미로는 '장이 막힌 질환'을 말하며 그리 흔한 질환은 아닙니다.
그러나 좀 더 엄밀한 의미의 장폐색증(ileus) 정의를 보면
'장관의 두드러진 기계적 폐색(mechanical obstruction)이 없이
장내용물의 움직임이 둔해지거나 없어져서
장의 팽창(distention)이 동반된 질환'
이라고 되어있습니다.
쉽게 말해서 장관이 막히지 않았는데도 장내용물이 내려가지 못하는 상태로,
이는 장관이 막힌 장관 폐색(intestinal obstruction)과는 분명 차이가 있습니다.

때문에 'ileus'에 대한 우리말 의학용어가 '장폐색증(症)'인 데에는
어느정도 문제가 있는 해석으로 여겨집니다.
오히려 장폐색증이라는 용어는
'ileus'와 'intestinal obstruction'을 함께 어우르는
포괄적인 용어로 보는것이 맞을것 같습니다.
'장폐색증'을 부제로 한 본 글에서도 이 두 가지를 함께 다루도록 하겠습니다.

과거에는 원래 의미의 장폐색증(ileus)을 '마비성 장폐색증(paralytic ileus)'이라고 하고,
장관 폐색에 의한것을 '기계적 장폐색증(mechanical ileus)'이라고도 했습니다만,
지금은 그러한 용어는 거의 사용하지 않습니다.
그러나 'ileus'를 'intestinal obstruction'과 구분지을 수 있는 다른 정확한 용어가 없는 관계로,
본 글에서는 'ileus'는 마비성 장폐색증(paralytic ileus)이라 하고
'intestinal obstruction'은 기계적 장폐색증(mechanical intestinal obstruction)으로
편의상 구분하여 이야기 하도록 하겠습니다.

기계적 장폐색증(Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction)

어떤 원인에 의해 장이 막혀서 발생하는 질환입니다.
그 원인은 다음과 같이 크게 세 가지로 구분해 볼 수 있습니다.

(1) 장 외부에 문제가 있는 경우
(2) 장 벽에 문제가 있는 경우
(3) 장관 내부에 문제가 있는 경우

기계적 장폐색증을 일으키는 가장 흔한 원인은 장 외부에 있습니다.
즉 장 밖에 있는 무엇인가가 눌러서 장을 막히게 한다는 이야기입니다.

가장 흔하게는 수술후 발생한 유착(adhesion)을 들 수 있는데,
소장 폐색(small bowel obstruction)의 60% 이상이 이 원인입니다.
앞글 '위장관 질환(4)-장염과 식중독'편과 '위장관 질환(5)-충수염'편에서
잠깐 언급이 있었습니다만,
복강내의 수술을 하고나면 어떤 경우이든지 유착이 발생합니다.
수술이 시행된 장관 부위 및 절개되었던 복막,
그리고 대망(greater omentum) 부위 등이 서로 달라붙게 됩니다.
이러한 유착은 창상부위를 아물게 하는 우리몸의 자연스러운 반응의 일종으로
사람에 따라 그 정도가 다르고
복강내의 오염정도가 얼마나 심했느냐에 따라 다르기는 하지만
복강수술을 하고나면 예외없이 발생하게 됩니다.
수술 후 발생한 다양한 유착 소견
문제는 이러한 유착이 심하게 진행되면
장관 내강이 좁아져서 막히게 된다는 점입니다.
또한 유착된 부위를 중심으로 장이 꼬이거나
띠(band)와 같이 형성된 유착부위가 장을 감아서 막히는 경우도 있습니다.
장 중에서도 대장(colon)은 장관의 내강이 넓고 일부가 후복벽에 고정되어 있기 때문에
특별한 문제를 일으키는 경우가 많지 않으나,
내강이 좁고 복강내에서 유동성을 가지고 있는 소장은
장유착증(intestinal adhesion)으로 인한 기계적 장폐색증이 잘 발생합니다.
장유착증에 의한 소장의 기계적 장폐색증
이러한 장유착증을 억제하기 위해 스테로이드(steroid) 등의 약물을 사용하기도 합니다만,
아직까지 유착을 완전하게 방지하는 방법은 없습니다.
다만 염증반응이 적게 일어날 수 있도록
염증성 질환에 대한 수술은 가급적 초기에 시행하고,
오염을 최소화하기 위하여
장내용물로 복강이 오염되지 않도록 수술전 장처치(bowel preperation)를 완벽하게 하는 등
복강 수술을 할 때 최대한 주의를 기울이는 것이 최선의 방법입니다.
또한 수술의 전 과정에서 불필요한 조작을 삼가하도록 하는것도 중요합니다.
난소와 나팔관 주변으로 유착이 발생한 소견
불임이 될 가능성이 높다.

유착외에 장 외부에서 장관을 압박하여 장폐색을 일으킬 수 있는 요인으로
탈장(hernia)이나 종양(neoplasm), 농양(abscess) 등을 들 수 있습니다.
탈장에는 복강 안에서 발생한 탈장(internal hernia)과
복벽 밖으로 돌출되는 탈장(external hernia)으로 구분해볼 수 있는데
이에 대한것은 다음에 다루도록 하겠습니다.

장벽에 문제가 있어서 기계적 장폐색이 발생하는 경우로 가장 흔한 것은
장벽에 발생한 종양을 들 수 있습니다.
종양에 의한 기계적 장폐색증은 유착에 의한 것 다음으로 많습니다.
이는 장 외부에서 발생한 종양으로 인한 경우와
장 벽에서 발생한 종양으로 인한 경우를 합한것입니다.
종양으로 인한 장폐색은 전체 기계적 장폐색증의 20% 이상을 차지하는데,
참고로 그 다음으로 많은 원인을 차지하는것은 탈장에 의한것으로
약 10% 정도를 차지합니다.
유착에 의한 기계적 장폐색증이 소장에서 주로 발생하는 반면
장 벽에서 발생한 종양이 기계적 장폐색증의 원인이 되는 경우는 주로 대장입니다.
물론 소장에서도 종양에 의한 장폐색이 발생하기도 하지만
대부분 소장 자체에서 발생한 종양이 아니라
복강내의 다른 장기에서 발생한 종양이 소장을 압박하여 일으키는 경우입니다.
대장암에 의한 대장의 기계적 장폐색증

장 벽의 문제로 다른 원인들은
크론씨 병(Crohn's diseade)이나 장결핵(intestinal tuberculosis) 등의
염증성 질환으로 장 벽이 두꺼워져서 폐색이 발생한 경우도 있고,
외상(trauma) 등으로 인하여 장 벽에 혈종(hematoma)이 차서
장관을 막아버린 경우 등이 있습니다.

장관 내부의 문제로는
담낭(gallbladder)에서 빠져나온 담석(gallstone)이 장관의 좁은 부위를 막는 경우도 있고,
입으로 삼킨 이물질(foreign body)나
위석(胃石)이라고 부르는 베조아(bezoar) 등에 의한 경우도 있으며,
분변 자체가 돌처럼 딱딱하게 굳어서 막는 경우도 있습니다.
거대한 크기의 베조아(좌)와 베조아로 인해 폐색된 소장(우)

위에 열거된 원인 외에
장축염증(volovulus)이라고 하여
정상적인 장의 일부가 꼬여서 기계적 장폐색증과 같은 소견을 보이는 경우가 있습니다.
이는 드문 질환으로 고령에서 많은 발생 빈도를 보이며,
주로 회장(ileum)과 맹장(cecum) 의 연결부위와
에스상결장(sigmoid colon)부위에서 많이 발생합니다.
맹장축염증(cecal volvulus)의 발생 기전

에스상결장축염증(sigmoid volvulus)의 발생 기전

기계적 장폐색증이 있을 때 나타나는 증상은
쥐어짜는듯한 극심한 복통(abdominal cramp pain),
오심과 구토(nausea and vomiting),
복부 팽만(abdominal ditension) 등이 있는데,
막힌 부위가 어디냐에 따라 조금씩 차이가 있습니다.

가장 특징적인 증상은
산통처럼 좋아졌다가 심해졌다가를 반복하는 극심한 통증(colicky pain)인데,
보통 4~5분 간격으로 통증이 있으며,
막힌 부위가 아래쪽으로 갈 수록(항문에 가까울 수록) 그 간격은 더 늘어납니다.
이는 막힌 부위로 장내용물이 지나가도록 하기 위해
장의 연동운동(peristalsis)이 증가해서 나타나는 증상으로 여겨집니다.
그러나 이러한 주기적인 양상의 통증은 장이 폐색된 초기에 나타나며,
시간이 흐를수록 장도 지쳐가고
위에서 내려오는 가스와 장내용물에 의해 팽창할대로 팽창하여
연동운동을 거의 하지 못하게 됩니다.
이 시기가 되면 통증의 양상은 지속적인 중등도의 통증으로 바뀌게됩니다.
복부 청진상에서도 이러한 변화를 잘 확인할 수 있습니다.
장폐색 초기에는 장음(bowel sound)이 엄청나게 증가하여
청진기를 대지 않고도 들을 수 있을 정도인데,
이러한 장음을 특히 복명(腹鳴, borborygmi)이라고 합니다.
그러나 기계적 장폐색증이 오래되면 장음이 들리지 않아
마비성 장폐색증과 구분이 힘들게 됩니다.

오심과 구토는 폐색 부위가 상부일 수록(위에 가까울 수록) 심하며,
복부 팽만은 폐색 부위가 하부일 수록 두드러지게 나타납니다.
즉, 위에서 가까운 곳의 장이 막힐 수록
못 내려간 장내용물이 역류되어서 구토가 심해지고,
더 먼 곳의 장이 막힐 수록 장내용물이 저류되는 공간이 넓기 때문에
구토는 심하지 않은 대신에
늘어난 장의 용적으로 인해 복부 팽만이 심해진다는 말입니다.

위에 열거한 증상 외에
고형질의 장내용물은 내려가지 못하고 수분 성분만 내려가서
소량의 물설사(watery diarrhea)를 하거나,
아예 대변을 보지 못하게 되기도 합니다.
기계적 장폐색이 지속되면
장에서 수행하는 소화와 흡수작용을 못하게 되기 때문에
수분과 전해질(electrolyte)의 불균형이 나타나서,
빈맥(tarchycardia), 저혈압(hypotension), 탈수(dehydration) 등의 증상이 나타납니다.
또한, 팽창된 장의 벽을 통해 장내의 세균과 유해물질이 복강내로 빠져나가거나,
장이 혈액공급이 제대로 되지않는 허혈(ischemia) 상태로 빠져들거나
감돈(strangulation) 상태가 되

범발성 복막염(panperitonitis) 증상이 나타나기도 합니다.
이 때에는 주로 열(fever)이 동반됩니다.

무엇엔가에 꽉 끼어서 원래대로 회복되지 않는 상태를 말합니다.
이에 대한 자세한 설명은 뒤에 탈장(hernia) 부분에서 설명하겠습니다.

기계적 장폐색증의 진단은
위에서 잠깐 언급한대로 초기의 이학적 검사(physical examination) 소견이 중요합니다.
복통 환자에서 심하게 증가된 장음(borborygmi)을 청진(auscultation)할 수 있다면,
특히 그 환자가 과거에 복강내 수술을 받은적이 있다면
기계적 장폐색증을 의심해봐야합니다.
동일한 증상의 환자에서 과거 수술 병력이 없다 하더라도
복부 촉진(palpitation)상 딱딱한 덩어리(mass)가 만져진다면
역시 기계적 장폐색증을 의심해봐야합니다.
위에 열거된 구토나 복부 팽만 등의 증상 여부도 진단에 도움을 줍니다.

가장 간편하고 신뢰할만한 검사는 단순복부방사선촬영(plain abdominal x-ray)으로,
막힌 부위 이상의 장관에서 증가된 공기 음영을 관찰할 수 있습니다.
또한, 막힌 부위 이하에는 정상적으로 보여야할 공기 음영이 잘 보이지 않게됩니다.
만약 대장보다 윗 부분에서 폐색이 되었다면,
정상적으로 보여서는 안되는 소장내의 가스가 관찰되고,
정상적으로 보여야하는 대장내의 가스는 아주 소량으로 관찰되거나 관찰되지 않게 됩니다.
소장의 기계적 폐색증의 단순복부방사선촬영 소견
소장내에는 다량의 가스가 관찰되는 반면 대장내에는 거의 관찰되지 않는다.

그럼 소장내의 가스인지 대장내의 가스인지는 어떻게 구분할 수 있을까요...?
사실 그 정도까지 설명하기에는 너무 전문적인지라
아주 간단한 구분 방법 하나만 이야기 하고 넘어가도록 하겠습니다.
(중요한 것은 이것이 다가 아니라는 점입니다... ^^;)
'위장관 질환(4)-장염과 식중독'편과 '위장관 질환(6)-대장용종'편에 나온
소장과 대장의 해부학적 구조를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
소장의 내강에는 점막 주름(plica circularis)이 있고
대장의 내강에는 결장팽대(haustra coli)라는 주름이 있습니다.
소장의 점막주름과 대장의 결장팽대
이러한 주름의 모양은 소장과 대장이 각각 다르게 보이며,
가스가 가득차서 장이 팽창했을 때 주름의 모양이 나타나므로
그 모양을 보고 구분을 하는것입니다.
즉, 아래 방사선 사진에서 보듯이
마치 동전을 쌓아놓은듯한 모양으로 보이는 주름은 소장의 점막 주름으로
이는 소장내에 가스가 찼다는 의미이고,
각각의 커다란 방을 구분하는 벽처럼 보이는 주름은 대장의 결장팽대로
이는 대장내에 가스가 찼다는 의미입니다.
소장내의 공기 음영 소견(좌)과 대장내의 공기 음영 소견(우)
우측 사진의 흰 화살표는 결장팽대이며
검은 화살표는 대장뉴(taenia coli)가 지나가는 자리를 나타낸다.

기계적 장폐색증의 60% 정도는 단순복부방사선촬영만으로도
충분히 진단이 가능합니다만,
여기에서 진단되지 못한 경우에는 다른 검사를 시행해야합니다.
추가적으로 시행해볼 수 있는 검사로는
컴퓨터단층촬영(CT)과 바륨 조영술 검사(barium radiography) 등이 있습니다.
나머지 20~30%에 대한 진단은 이 두가지 검사로 가능합니다.

특히 복부 CT는 기계적 장폐색증 자체를 진단하는데 유용할 뿐 아니라
그 원인을 파악하는데에도 유용한 검사방법입니다.
앞서 기계적 장폐색증을 일으키는 가장 흔한 원인이
수술후 발생한 유착(adhesion)이고,
그 다음으로 많은 원인이 종양(neoplasm)이라고 했습니다.
때문에 복강내 수술의 과거력이 없는데 기계적 장폐색이 발생한 환자의 경우에는
복강내의 종양을 의심하고 이에 대한 검사를 시행해야 하는데
가장 좋은 검사가 바로 복부 CT입니다.
뿐만아니라 복부 CT는 유착에 의한 기계적 장폐색증이 의심되는 경우라도
유착 부위와 정도를 알기 위해 시행되기도 하는 등
장폐색증 환자에서 다양하게 시행되는 검사입니다.
대장암이 의심되는 기계적 장폐색증 환자의 CT 소견
화살표 부분이 폐색된 부분으로 하행결장 부위의 종양이 의심된다.

반면 바륨조영술 검사는
기계적 장폐색증 환자에 선택적으로 시행됩니다.
바륨(barium) 자체가 복강내에서는 여러가지 부작용을 일으키는 독성물질로 작용하기 때문에
가급적 완전한 폐색이 의심되는 환자에서는 시행하지 않고,
부분적인 기계적 장폐색증 환자에서
폐색이 발생한 위치와 폐색의 정도를 알기 위해 시행됩니다.
상부 소장 부위에서 폐색이 된 기계적 장폐색 환자의 바륨 조영술 사진
팽창된 십이지장과 상부 소장을 관찰할 수 있으며
폐색 부위를 확인할 수 있다.

혈액 검사 등 임상병리적 검사는
기계적 장폐색증 초기에는 별다른 도움을 주지는 못합니다만,
오래 진행된 경우에 탈수와 전해질 이상이 발생했을 때에는
치료 방향을 설정하는데 도움을 줍니다.

기계적 장폐색증의 치료는
내과적 처치를 우선적으로 시행하고
증상의 호전이 없거나 종양 등으로 인한 폐색시에는 수술적 처치를 시행합니다.

초기 치료로 가장 중요한 것은 적절한 수액과 전해질 공급(fluid and electrolyte supply)과
장관 폐색으로 인하여 수분과 전해질의 흡수가 되지않을 뿐 아니라
팽창된 장 내부로 기존에 있던 수분과 전해질이 빠져 나가기 때문에
혈관을 통해서 이를 충분히 공급해주지 않으면
위에서 언급했던대로 저혈압이나 탈수 등에 빠져서
저혈성 쇼크(hypovolemic shock)로 사망할 수도 있습니다.
물론 수액치료(fluid therapy)를 하면서
약물치료를 병해해 줘야 하는데,
통증과 염증반응을 감소시키기 위한 소염진통제를 비롯하여
진경제(antismasmodic agent), 항생제(antibiotics) 등을 사용해 줍니다.

감압이란 팽창된 장의 압력을 감소시켜주는 처치를 말하는데,
장내용물이 밑으로 내려가지 못하므로
위쪽으로 빼줘야 합니다.
가장 일반적인 처치는 코를 통하여 위(stmach)까지 길다란 관을 삽입하는 방법으로
이 관을 비위관(nasogastric tube), 혹은 레빈 튜브(Levin tube)라고 합니다.
간혹 병원에서 코에 관을 꼽고 있는 환자를 볼 수 있는데,
대부분 복강내의 장 수술을 시행하기 전에 장내의 가스를 제거하거나
수술후에 수일간 장운동이 돌아오지 않을 때
장내 가스를 비롯한 장내용물을 제거하기 위해 삽입하는 경우입니다.
비위관을 삽입한 모습

기계적 장폐색증 중에서  부분적으로 막힌 경우는
대부분 수술적 처치 없이 이러한 처치만으로도 호전이 됩니다.
그러나 수일간의 기본적인 처치에도 호전이 없거나
완전 폐색이 의심되거나
종양 등 다른 외부적 요인에 의한 폐색으로 여겨지는 경우에는
꼭 수술적 처치를 시행해야합니다.
수술에서 중요한 부분은
불필요한 수술 조작을 피하기 위하여
가급적 수술 전에 막힌 부위를 정확히 알고 수술을 시행해야 한다는 점입니다.
이를 위해서는 복부 CT 등 수술전 충분한 검사가 시행되어야 합니다.

마비성 장폐색증(Paralytic Ileus)

서두에 언급한대로 마비성 장폐색증(paralytic ileus)이라는 용어는
지금은 거의 사용하지 않는 용어이며
그냥 장폐색증(ileus)이라고 하는것이 맞지만,
장관 폐색(intestinal obstruction)에 의한
기계적 장폐색증(mechanical intestinal obstruction)과 구분하기 위하여
마비성 장폐색증으로 부르기로 하겠습니다.
마비성 장폐색증무동성 장폐색증(adynamic ileus)으로 부르기도 합니다.

마비성 장폐색증은 기계적 장폐색증과 달리
장관의 폐색이 없이 장의 움직임이 둔해져서 장이 팽창되는 상태를 말합니다.
복통의 양상은 아주 심한 경우부터 거의 복통을 호소하지 않는 상태까지 다양하며,
이는 장의 팽창 정도에 달려있습니다.
즉, 장의 팽창이 심할 수록 복통을 심하게 호소하게 됩니다.

우리의 장은 외상에 의한 통증은 느낄 수 없는 반면
장관의 내경이 비정상적으로 팽창될 때 불쾌감이나 통증을 느끼게 됩니다.
즉, 장이 잘리거나 구멍이 나거나 하더라도
장 자체에서는 통증을 감지하지 못한다는 말입니다.
그러한 경우에 통증을 느끼는 것은
통증을 느끼는 이유는 장 내용물이 빠져나와 복막을 자극하기 때문입니다.
그 한 예로, 장을 절제하고 연결해주는 수술을 하고나면
환자는 수술을 시행받은 장 부위에서 통증을 느끼는것이 아니라
복벽의 절개부위에서 통증을 느끼는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
반면 장의 내경이 늘어나는데에는 아주 민감한데,
정상적인 내경보다 조금만 늘어나도 불쾌감을 느끼게 됩니다.
장폐색증의 초기 치료에서 감압을 시행하는 이유도
장의 내용물을 배출시켜서 장의 내경을 줄임으로
통증을 완화시키고자 하는 데에도 그 목적이 있습니다.
옛말의 '창자가 끊어지는듯한 아픔'이라는 말은
'창자가 늘어나는듯한 아픔'이라는 말로 바꿔야할 것 같습니다... ^^;

마비성 장폐색증을 일으키는 가장 흔한 원인은
복강 수술을 하고난 후(postlaparotomy)의 상태입니다.
이는 마취 및 수술로 인해 장의 운동이 일시적으로 마비된 상태로
수 일 이내에 원래대로 회복이 됩니다.
수술 후에 금식을 시키는 첫번째 이유도 여기에 있습니다.
저칼륨혈증(hypokalemia), 저나트륨혈증(hyponatremia), 요독증(uremia) 등의
전해질 및 대사작용 이상이 있을 때에도
마비성 장폐색증이 잘 발생하며,
아편류(opiates)나 항콜린성 약제(anticholinergic agents) 등의 약물에 의해서
발생할 수도 있고,
척추(spine) 수술이나
후복막(retroperitoneum)의 외상(trauma) 및 염증(inflammation) 등에 의해
발생하는 경우도 있습니다.
위에서 언급했듯이 기계적 장폐색증이 지속되어 장이 허혈상태에 빠지면
궁극적으로 마비성 장폐색증으로 되는 경우도 있습니다.

증상은 기계적 장폐색증과 비슷하게
복통, 오심 및 구토, 복부 팽만 등이 주 증상으로 나타나지만
그 양상은 약간의 차이를 보입니다.
산통과 같은 주기적인 극심한 복통이 없이 발생하는 복부팽만이
(abdominal distention without colicky abdominal pain)
마비성 장폐색증의 가장 특징적인 증상이라고 할 수 있습니다.
또한 기계적 장폐색증과는 달리
가스 배출(방귀)도 되고 설사도 계속 하게됩니다.
이러한 소견들이 장폐색증 환자에서 마비성 장폐색증을 구분해 볼 수 있는 방법이 됩니다.

마비성 장폐색증 진단의 가장 중요 포인트는
기계적 장폐색증과 구분하는 것입니다.
기계적 장폐색증은 수술적 처치가 필요한 경우가 많고
그 적절한 시기를 잘 파악하는것이 중요하지만,
마비성 장폐색증은 수술적 처치가 필요한 경우가 거의 없고
오직 수액요법과 약물요법으로만 치료를 하기 때문입니다.
두 질환에 대해 정확한 감별진단(different diagnosis)을 위해서는
우선 위에서 언급한것과 같은 증상의 차이를 잘 파악하여야 합니다.

단순복부방사선촬영(plain abdominal x-ray)도 진단에 도움을 줍니다.
앞서 언급한것처럼 기계적 장폐색증의 경우에는
막힌 부위 윗부분의 장이 심하게 팽창되어
방사선촬영상 거대한 공기 음영을 관찰할 수 있고
막힌 부위 아랫부분의 장으로는 공기가 잘 통하지 않아서
공기 음영을 거의 관찰할 수 없는 반면,
마비성 장폐색증의 경우에는 특별히 막힌 부분이 없기 때문에
소장과 대장, 전체 장에서 증가된 공기 음영을 관찰할 수 있습니다.
마비성 장폐색증 환자의 단순복부방사선촬영 소견
심한 복부팽만과 더불어 전 장에서 증가된 공기 음영을 관찰할 수 있다.

그러나 장의 팽창이 심한 경우에는
소장의 가스인지 대장의 가스인지 구분하기 힘들기 때문에
단순복부방사선촬영이 크게 도움이 되지 못하는 경우도 많습니다.
이 때에는 바륨 조영술을 시행하는것이 도움이 되기도 합니다.
임상병리적 검사는 마비성 장폐색증 자체를 진단하기 위한 목적 보다는
치료의 방향을 설정하기 위한 목적으로 많이 시행하게 됩니다.

치료는 기계적 장폐색증의 초기 치료와 마찬가지로
수액 및 전해질 공급, 감압, 약물 치료 등의 내과적 처치를 시행합니다.
마비성 장폐색증의 발생이 전해질 및 대사작용의 이상으로 인한 경우가 많기 때문에
수시로 이러한 이상에 대한 검사를 시행하여 교정을 해줘야합니다.
감압은 기계적 장폐색증에서와 마찬가지로
비위관(NG tube, Levin tube)을 삽입하고,
경우에 따라서는 항문-직장관(anorectal tube)을 삽입하여
대장내의 가스와 장내용물을 배출시켜주기도 합니다.
약물치료 역시 기계적 장폐색증에서와 동일하게
소염진통제, 진경제, 항생제 등을 사용하고,
이와 더불어, guanethidine과 같은 교감신경 차단제나
bethanechol, neostigmine 등과 같은 부교감신경 촉진제 등을 사용하기도 합니다.
또한, 장운동을 향상시키기 위해
CCK나 motiline 등의 호르몬(hormone) 제제를 사용하기도 합니다.   청청풍회



The function of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in terminating the action of acetylcholine (ACh) at the junctions of the various cholinergic nerve endings with their effector organs or postsynaptic sites is considered in 6. Drugs that inhibit AChE are called anticholinesterase (anti-ChE) agents. They cause ACh to accumulate in the vicinity of cholinergic nerve terminals and thus are potentially capable of producing effects equivalent to excessive stimulation of cholinergic receptors throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. In view of the widespread distribution of cholinergic neurons across animal species, it is not surprising that the anti-ChE agents have received extensive application as toxic agents, in the form of agricultural insecticides, pesticides, and potential chemical warfare "nerve gases." Nevertheless, several compounds of this class are widely used therapeutically; others that cross the blood-brain barrier have been approved or are in clinical trials for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Prior to World War II, only the "reversible" anti-ChE agents were generally known, of which physostigmine is the prototype. Shortly before and during World War II, a new class of highly toxic chemicals, the organophosphates, was developed chiefly by Schrader at I.G. Farbenindustrie, first as agricultural insecticides and later as potential chemical warfare agents. The extreme toxicity of these compounds was found to be due to their "irreversible" inactivation of AChE, which resulted in prolonged enzyme inhibition. Since the pharmacological actions of both classes of anti-ChE agents are qualitatively similar, they are discussed here as a group. Interactions of anti-ChE agents with other drugs acting at peripheral autonomic synapses and the neuromuscular junction are described in s 7 and 9.

History. Physostigmine, also called eserine, is an alkaloid obtained from the Calabar or ordeal bean, the dried, ripe seed of Physostigma venenosum, Balfour, a perennial plant found in tropical West Africa. The Calabar bean once was used by native tribes of West Africa as an "ordeal poison" in trials for witchcraft. A pure alkaloid was isolated by Jobst and Hesse in 1864 and named physostigmine. The first therapeutic use of the drug was in 1877 by Laqueur, in the treatment of glaucoma, one of its clinical uses today. Interesting accounts of the history of physostigmine have been presented by Karczmar (1970) and Holmstedt (2000).

As a result of the basic research of Stedman and associates in elucidating the chemical basis of the activity of physostigmine, others began systematic investigations of a series of substituted aromatic esters of alkyl carbamic acids. Neostigmine was introduced into therapeutics in 1931 for its stimulant action on the GI tract and subsequently was reported to be effective in the symptomatic treatment of myasthenia gravis.

Remarkably, the first account of the synthesis of a highly potent organophosphorus anti-ChE, tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), was published by Clermont in 1854. It is even more remarkable that the investigator survived to report on the compound's taste; a few drops should have been lethal. Modern investigations of the organophosphorus compounds date from the 1932 publication of Lange and Krueger on the synthesis of dimethyl and diethyl phosphorofluoridates. The authors' statement that inhalation of these compounds caused a persistent choking sensation and blurred vision apparently was instrumental in leading Schrader to explore this class for insecticidal activity.

Upon synthesizing approximately 2000 compounds, Schrader defined the structural requirements for insecticidal (and, as learned subsequently, for anti-ChE) activity (see below) (Gallo and Lawryk, 1991). one compound in this early series, parathion (a phosphorothioate), later became the most widely used insecticide of this class. Malathion, which currently is used extensively, also contains the thionophosphorus bond found in parathion. Prior to and during World War II, the efforts of Schrader's group were directed toward the development of chemical warfare agents. The synthesis of several compounds of much greater toxicity than parathion, such as sarin, soman, and tabun, were kept secret by the German government. Investigators in the Allied countries also followed Lange and Krueger's lead in the search for potentially toxic compounds; diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (diisopropyl fluorophosphate; DFP), synthesized by McCombie and Saunders, was studied most extensively by British and American scientists.

In the 1950s, a series of aromatic carbamates was synthesized and found to have substantial selective toxicity against insects and to be potent anti-ChE agents (Ecobichon, 2000).

Structure of Acetylcholinesterase. AChE exists in two general classes of molecular forms: simple homomeric oligomers of catalytic subunits (i.e., monomers, dimers, and tetramers) and heteromeric associations of catalytic subunits with structural subunits (Massoulie, 2000; Taylor et al., 2000). The homomeric forms are found as soluble species in the cell, presumably destined for export or for association with the outer membrane of the cell, typically through an attached glycophospholipid. one heteromeric form, largely found in neuronal synapses, is a tetramer of catalytic subunits disulfide-linked to a 20,000-dalton lipid-linked subunit. Similar to the glycophospholipid-attached form, it is found in the outer surface of the cell membrane. The other heteromeric form consists of tetramers of catalytic subunits, disulfide linked to each of three strands of a collagen-like structural subunit. This molecular species, whose molecular mass approaches 106 daltons, is associated with the basal lamina of junctional areas of skeletal muscle.

Molecular cloning revealed that a single gene encodes vertebrate AChEs (Schumacher et al., 1986; Taylor et al., 2000). However, multiple gene products arise from alternative processing of the mRNA that differ only in their carboxyl-termini; the portion of the gene encoding the catalytic core of the enzyme is invariant. Hence, the individual AChE species can be expected to show identical substrate and inhibitor specificities.

A separate, structurally related gene encodes butyrylcholinesterase, which is synthesized in the liver and is primarily found in plasma (Lockridge et al., 1987). The cholinesterases define a superfamily of proteins whose structural motif is the a, b hydrolase-fold (Cygler et al., 1993). The family includes several esterases, other hydrolases not found in the nervous system, and surprisingly, proteins without hydrolase activity such as thyroglobulin and members of the tactin and neuroligin families of proteins (Taylor et al., 2000).

The three-dimensional structures of AChEs show the active center to be nearly centrosymmetric to each subunit, residing at the base of a narrow gorge about 20 A in depth (Sussman et al., 1991; Bourne et al., 1995). At the base of the gorge lie the residues of the catalytic triad: serine 203, histidine 447, and glutamate 334 in mammals (Figure 8-1). The catalytic mechanism resembles that of other hydrolases; the serine hydroxyl group is rendered highly nucleophilic through a charge-relay system involving the carboxylate anion from glutamate, the imidazole of histidine, and the hydroxyl of serine (Figure 8-2A).

During enzymatic attack of ACh, an ester with trigonal geometry, a tetrahedral intermediate between enzyme and substrate is formed (Figure 8-2A) that collapses to an acetyl enzyme conjugate with the concomitant release of choline. The acetyl enzyme is very labile to hydrolysis, which results in the formation of acetate and active enzyme (Froede and Wilson, 1971; Rosenberry, 1975). AChE is one of the most efficient enzymes known: one molecule of AChE can hydrolyze 6 ´ 105 ACh molecules per minute; this yields a turnover time of 150 microseconds.

Mechanism of Action of AChE Inhibitors. The mechanisms of the action of compounds that typify the three classes of anti-ChE agents are also shown in Figure 8-2 .

Three distinct domains on AChE constitute binding sites for inhibitory ligands and form the basis for specificity differences between AChE and butyrylcholinesterase: the acyl pocket of the active center, the choline subsite of the active center, and the peripheral anionic site (Taylor and Radic', 1994; Reiner and Radic', 2000). Reversible inhibitors, such as edrophonium and tacrine, bind to the choline subsite in the vicinity of tryptophan 86 and glutamate 202 (Silman and Sussman, 2000) (Figure 8-2B). Edrophonium has a brief duration of action because its quaternary structure facilitates renal elimination and it binds reversibly to the AChE active center. Additional reversible inhibitors, such as donepezil, bind with higher affinity to the active center.

Other reversible inhibitors, such as propidium and the snake peptidic toxin fasciculin, bind to the peripheral anionic site on AChE. This site resides at the rim of the gorge and is defined by tryptophan 286 and tyrosines 72 and 124 (Figure 8-1).

Drugs that have a carbamoyl ester linkage, such as physostigmine and neostigmine, are hydrolyzed by AChE, but much more slowly than is ACh. The quaternary amine neostigmine and the tertiary amine physostigmine exist as cations at physiological pH. By serving as alternate substrates to ACh (Figure 8-2C), attack by the active center serine generates the carbamoylated enzyme. The carbamoyl moiety resides in the acyl pocket outlined by phenylalanines 295 and 297. In contrast to the acetyl enzyme, methylcarbamoyl AChE and dimethylcarbamoyl AChE are far more stable (the half-life for hydrolysis of the dimethylcarbamoyl enzyme is 15 to 30 minutes). Sequestration of the enzyme in its carbamoylated form thus precludes the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of ACh for extended periods of time. In vivo, the duration of inhibition by the carbamoylating agents is 3 to 4 hours.

The organophosphorus inhibitors, such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), serve as true hemisubstrates, since the resultant conjugate with the active center serine phosphorylated or phosphonylated is extremely stable (Figure 8-2D). The organophosphorus inhibitors are tetrahedral in configuration, a configuration that resembles the transition state formed in carboxyl ester hydrolysis. Similar to the carboxyl esters, the phosphoryl oxygen binds within the oxyanion hole of the active center. If the alkyl groups in the phosphorylated enzyme are ethyl or methyl, spontaneous regeneration of active enzyme requires several hours. Secondary (as in DFP) or tertiary alkyl groups further enhance the stability of the phosphorylated enzyme, and significant regeneration of active enzyme usually is not observed. Hence, the return of AChE activity depends on synthesis of a new enzyme. The stability of the phosphorylated enzyme is enhanced through "aging," which results from the loss of one of the alkyl groups.

From the foregoing account, it is apparent that the terms reversible and irreversible as applied to the carbamoyl ester and organophosphorate anti-ChE agents, respectively, reflect only quantitative differences in rates of decarbamoylation or dephosphorylation of the conjugated enzyme. Both chemical classes react covalently with the enzyme serine in essentially the same manner as does ACh.

Action at Effector Organs. The characteristic pharmacological effects of the anti-ChE agents are due primarily to the prevention of hydrolysis of ACh by AChE at sites of cholinergic transmission. Transmitter thus accumulates, enhancing the response to ACh that is liberated by cholinergic impulses or that is spontaneously released from the nerve ending. Virtually all acute effects of moderate doses of organophosphates are attributable to this action. For example, the characteristic miosis that follows local application of DFP to the eye is not observed after chronic postganglionic denervation of the eye because there is no source from which to release endogenous ACh. The consequences of enhanced concentrations of ACh at motor endplates are unique to these sites and are discussed below.

The tertiary amine and particularly the quaternary ammonium anti-ChE compounds may have additional direct actions at certain cholinergic receptor sites. For example, the effects of neostigmine on the spinal cord and neuromuscular junction are based on a combination of its anti-ChE activity and direct cholinergic stimulation.

Chemistry and Structure-activity Relationships. The structure-activity relationships of anti-ChE agents are reviewed in previous editions of this book. only agents of general therapeutic or toxicological interest are considered here.

Noncovalent Inhibitors. While these agents interact by reversible and noncovalent association with the active site in AChE, they differ in their disposition in the body and their affinity for the enzyme. Edrophonium, a quaternary drug whose activity is limited to peripheral nervous system synapses, has a moderate affinity for AChE. Its volume of distribution is limited and renal elimination is rapid, accounting for its short duration of action. By contrast, tacrine and donepezil (Figure 8-3) have higher affinities for AChE, are more hydrophobic, and readily cross the blood-brain barrier to inhibit AChE in the central nervous system (CNS). Their partitioning into lipid and their higher affinities for AChE account for their longer durations of action.

"Reversible" Carbamate Inhibitors. Drugs of this class that are of therapeutic interest are shown in Figure 8-3. Early studies showed that the essential moiety of the physostigmine molecule was the methylcarbmate of an amine-substituted phenol. The quaternary ammonium derivative neostigmine is a compound of equal or greater potency. Pyridostigmine is a close congener that also is used to treat myasthenia gravis.

An increase in anti-ChE potency and duration of action can result from the linking of two quaternary ammonium moieties. one such example is the miotic agent demecarium, which consists of two neostigmine molecules connected by a series of ten methylene groups. The second quaternary group confers additional stability to the interaction by associating with a negatively charged amino side chain, Asp74, near the rim of the gorge. Carbamoylating inhibitors with high lipid solubilities (e.g., rivastigmine), which readily cross the blood-brain barrier and have longer durations of action, are approved or in clinical trial for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (Giacobini, 2000; Cummings, 2004) ( 20).

The carbamate insecticides carbaryl (SEVIN), propoxur (BAYGON), and aldicarb (TEMIK), which are used extensively as garden insecticides, inhibit ChE in a fashion identical with other carbamoylating inhibitors. The symptoms of poisoning closely resemble those of the organophosphates (Baron, 1991; Ecobichon, 2000). Carbaryl has a particularly low toxicity from dermal absorption. It is used topically for control of head lice in some countries. Not all carbamates in garden formulations are ChE inhibitors; the dithiocarbamates are fungicidal.

Organophosphorus Compounds. The general formula for this class of ChE inhibitors is presented in Table 8-1. A great variety of substituents is possible: R1 and R2 may be alkyl, alkoxy, aryloxy, amido, mercaptan, or other groups, and X, the leaving group, typically a conjugate base of a weak acid, is a halide, cyanide, thiocyanate, phenoxy, thiophenoxy, phosphate, thiocholine, or carboxylate group. For a compilation of the organophosphorus compounds and their toxicity, see Gallo and Lawryk (1991).

DFP produces virtually irreversible inactivation of AChE and other esterases by alkylphosphorylation. Its high lipid solubility, low molecular weight, and volatility facilitate inhalation, transdermal absorption, and penetration into the CNS. After desulfuration, the insecticides in current use form the dimethoxy or diethoxyphosphoryl enzyme.

The "nerve gases"¾tabun, sarin, and soman¾are among the most potent synthetic toxins known; they are lethal to laboratory animals in nanogram doses. Insidious employment of these agents has occurred in warfare and terrorism attacks (Nozaki and Aikawa, 1995).

Because of their low volatility and stability in aqueous solution, parathion and methylparathion were widely used as insecticides. Acute and chronic toxicity has limited their use, and potentially less hazardous compounds have replaced them for home and garden use. These compounds are inactive in inhibiting AChE in vitro; paraoxon is the active metabolite. The phosphoryl oxygen for sulfur substitution is carried out predominantly by hepatic CYPs. This reaction also occurs in the insect, typically with more efficiency. Other insecticides possessing the phosphorothioate structure have been widely employed for home, garden, and agricultural use. These include diazinon (SPECTRACIDE, others) and chlorpyrifos (DURSBAN, LORSBAN). Chlorpyrifos recently has been placed under restricted use because of evidence of chronic toxicity in the newborn animal. For the same reason, diazinon was banned for indoor use in the United States in 2001 and will be phased out of all outdoor residential use by 2005.

Malathion (CHEMATHION, MALA-SPRAY) also requires replacement of a sulfur atom with oxygen in vivo, conferring resistance to mammalian species. Also, this insecticide can be detoxified by hydrolysis of the carboxyl ester linkage by plasma carboxylesterases, and plasma carboxylesterase activity dictates species resistance to malathion. The detoxification reaction is much more rapid in mammals and birds than in insects (Costa et al., 1987). In recent years, malathion has been employed in aerial spraying of relatively populous areas for control of citrus orchard-destructive Mediterranean fruit flies and mosquitoes that harbor and transmit viruses harmful to human beings, such as the West Nile encephalitis virus.

Evidence of acute toxicity from malathion arises only with suicide attempts or deliberate poisoning (Bardin et al., 1994). The lethal dose in mammals is about 1 g/kg. Exposure to the skin results in a small fraction (<10%) of systemic absorption. Malathion is used topically in the treatment of pediculosis (lice) infestations.

Among the quaternary ammonium organophosphorus compounds (group E in Table 8-1), only echothiophate is useful clinically and is limited to ophthalmic administration. Being positively charged, it is not volatile and does not readily penetrate the skin.

Metrifonate is a low-molecular-weight organophosphate that is spontaneously converted to the active phosphoryl ester, dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP, dichlorvos). Both metrifonate and DDVP readily cross the blood-brain barrier to inhibit AChE in the CNS. Metrifonate originally was developed for the treatment of schistosomiasis ( 41). Its capacity to inhibit AChE in the CNS and its reported low toxicity led to its clinical trial in treatment of Alzheimer's disease (Cummings et al., 1999; Cummings, 2004); a low incidence of skeletal muscle paralysis may limit its acceptance.


Generally, the pharmacological properties of anti-ChE agents can be predicted by knowing those loci where ACh is released physiologically by nerve impulses, the degree of nerve impulse activity, and the responses of the corresponding effector organs to ACh ( 6). The anti-ChE agents potentially can produce all the following effects: (1) stimulation of muscarinic receptor responses at autonomic effector organs; (2) stimulation, followed by depression or paralysis, of all autonomic ganglia and skeletal muscle (nicotinic actions); and (3) stimulation, with occasional subsequent depression, of cholinergic receptor sites in the CNS. Following toxic or lethal doses of anti-ChE agents, most of these effects can be noted (see below). However, with smaller doses, particularly those used therapeutically, several modifying factors are significant. In general, compounds containing a quaternary ammonium group do not penetrate cell membranes readily; hence, anti-ChE agents in this category are absorbed poorly from the GI tract or across the skin and are excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier after moderate doses. on the other hand, such compounds act preferentially at the neuromuscular junctions of skeletal muscle, exerting their action both as anti-ChE agents and as direct agonists. They have comparatively less effect at autonomic effector sites and ganglia. In contrast, the more lipid-soluble agents are well absorbed after oral administration, have ubiquitous effects at both peripheral and central cholinergic sites, and may be sequestered in lipids for long periods of time. Lipid-soluble organophosphorus agents also are well absorbed through the skin, and the volatile agents are transferred readily across the alveolar membrane (Storm et al., 2000).

The actions of anti-ChE agents on autonomic effector cells and on cortical and subcortical sites in the CNS, where the receptors are largely of the muscarinic type, are blocked by atropine. Likewise, atropine blocks some of the excitatory actions of anti-ChE agents on autonomic ganglia, since both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors are involved in ganglionic neurotransmission ( 9).

The sites of action of anti-ChE agents of therapeutic importance are the CNS, eye, intestine, and the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle; other actions are of toxicological consequence.

Eye. When applied locally to the conjunctiva, anti-ChE agents cause conjunctival hyperemia and constriction of the pupillary sphincter muscle around the pupillary margin of the iris (miosis) and the ciliary muscle (block of accommodation reflex with resultant focusing to near vision). Miosis is apparent in a few minutes and can last several hours to days. Although the pupil may be "pinpoint" in size, it generally contracts further when exposed to light. The block of accommodation is more transient and generally disappears before termination of miosis. Intraocular pressure, when elevated, usually falls as the result of facilitation of outflow of the aqueous humor ( 63).

Gastrointestinal Tract. In humans, neostigmine enhances gastric contractions and increases the secretion of gastric acid. After bilateral vagotomy, the effects of neostigmine on gastric motility are greatly reduced. The lower portion of the esophagus is stimulated by neostigmine; in patients with marked achalasia and dilation of the esophagus, the drug can cause a salutary increase in tone and peristalsis.

Neostigmine also augments motor activity of the small and large bowel; the colon is particularly stimulated. Atony produced by muscarinic-receptor antagonists or prior surgical intervention may be overcome, propulsive waves are increased in amplitude and frequency, and movement of intestinal contents is thus promoted. The total effect of anti-ChE agents on intestinal motility probably represents a combination of actions at the ganglion cells of Auerbach's plexus and at the smooth muscle fibers, as a result of the preservation of ACh released by the cholinergic preganglionic and postganglionic fibers, respectively ( 37).

Neuromuscular Junction. Most of the effects of potent anti-ChE drugs on skeletal muscle can be explained adequately on the basis of their inhibition of AChE at neuromuscular junctions. However, there is good evidence for an accessory direct action of neostigmine and other quaternary ammonium anti-ChE agents on skeletal muscle. For example, the intra-arterial injection of neostigmine into chronically denervated muscle, or muscle in which AChE has been inactivated by prior administration of DFP, evokes an immediate contraction, whereas physostigmine does not.

Normally, a single nerve impulse in a terminal motor-axon branch liberates enough ACh to produce a localized depolarization (endplate potential) of sufficient magnitude to initiate a propagated muscle action potential. The ACh released is rapidly hydrolyzed by AChE, such that the lifetime of free ACh within the nerve-muscle synapse (~200 microseconds) is shorter than the decay of the end-plate potential or the refractory period of the muscle. Therefore, each nerve impulse gives rise to a single wave of depolarization. After inhibition of AChE, the residence time of ACh in the synapse increases, allowing for lateral diffusion and rebinding of the transmitter to multiple receptors. Successive stimulation of neighboring receptors to the release site in the endplate results in a prolongation of the decay time of the endplate potential. Quanta released by individual nerve impulses are no longer isolated. This action destroys the synchrony between endplate depolarizations and the development of the action potentials. Consequently, asynchronous excitation and fasciculations of muscle fibers occur. With sufficient inhibition of AChE, depolarization of the endplate predominates, and blockade owing to depolarization ensues ( 9). When ACh persists in the synapse, it also may depolarize the axon terminal, resulting in antidromic firing of the motoneuron; this effect contributes to fasciculations that involve the entire motor unit.

The anti-ChE agents will reverse the antagonism caused by competitive neuromuscular blocking agents ( 9). Neostigmine is not effective against the skeletal muscle paralysis caused by succinylcholine; this agent also produces neuromuscular blockade by depolarization, and depolarization will be enhanced by neostigmine.

Actions at Other Sites. Secretory glands that are innervated by postganglionic cholinergic fibers include the bronchial, lacrimal, sweat, salivary, gastric (antral G cells and parietal cells), intestinal, and pancreatic acinar glands. Low doses of anti-ChE agents augment secretory responses to nerve stimulation, and higher doses actually produce an increase in the resting rate of secretion.

Anti-ChE agents increase contraction of smooth muscle fibers of the bronchioles and ureters, and the ureters may show increased peristaltic activity.

The cardiovascular actions of anti-ChE agents are complex, since they reflect both ganglionic and postganglionic effects of accumulated ACh on the heart and blood vessels and actions in the CNS. The predominant effect on the heart from the peripheral action of accumulated ACh is bradycardia, resulting in a fall in cardiac output. Higher doses usually cause a fall in blood pressure, often as a consequence of effects of anti-ChE agents on the medullary vasomotor centers of the CNS.

Anti-ChE agents augment vagal influences on the heart. This shortens the effective refractory period of atrial muscle fibers and increases the refractory period and conduction time at the SA and AV nodes. At the ganglionic level, accumulating ACh initially is excitatory on nicotinic receptors, but at higher concentrations, ganglionic blockade ensues as a result of persistent depolarization of the cell membrane. The excitatory action on the parasympathetic ganglion cells would tend to reinforce the diminished cardiac output, whereas the opposite sequence would result from the action of ACh on sympathetic ganglion cells. Excitation followed by inhibition also is elicited by ACh at the central medullary vasomotor and cardiac centers. All of these effects are complicated further by the hypoxemia resulting from the bronchoconstrictor and secretory actions of increased ACh on the respiratory system; hypoxemia, in turn, can reinforce both sympathetic tone and ACh-induced discharge of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. Hence, it is not surprising that an increase in heart rate is seen with severe ChE inhibitor poisoning. Hypoxemia probably is a major factor in the CNS depression that appears after large doses of anti-ChE agents. The CNS-stimulant effects are antagonized by atropine, although not as completely as are the muscarinic effects at peripheral autonomic effector sites.

Absorption, Fate, and Excretion. Physostigmine is absorbed readily from the GI tract, subcutaneous tissues, and mucous membranes. The conjunctival instillation of solutions of the drug may result in systemic effects if measures (e.g., pressure on the inner canthus) are not taken to prevent absorption from the nasal mucosa. Parenterally administered physostigmine is largely destroyed within 2 hours, mainly by hydrolytic cleavage by plasma esterases; renal excretion plays only a minor role in its elimination.

Neostigmine and pyridostigmine are absorbed poorly after oral administration, such that much larger doses are needed than by the parenteral route. Whereas the effective parenteral dose of neostigmine is 0.5 to 2 mg, the equivalent oral dose may be 15 to 30 mg or more. Neostigmine and pyridostigmine are destroyed by plasma esterases, and the quaternary aromatic alcohols and parent compounds are excreted in the urine; the half-lives of these drugs are only 1 to 2 hours (Cohan et al., 1976).

Organophosphorus anti-ChE agents with the highest risk of toxicity are highly lipid-soluble liquids; many have high vapor pressures. The less volatile agents that are commonly used as agricultural insecticides (e.g., diazinon, malathion) generally are dispersed as aerosols or as dusts adsorbed to an inert, finely particulate material. Consequently, the compounds are absorbed rapidly through the skin and mucous membranes following contact with moisture, by the lungs after inhalation, and by the GI tract after ingestion (Storm et al., 2000).

Following their absorption, most organophosphorus compounds are excreted almost entirely as hydrolysis products in the urine. Plasma and liver esterases are responsible for hydrolysis to the corresponding phosphoric and phosphonic acids. However, the CYPs are responsible for converting the inactive phosphorothioates containing a phosphorus-sulfur (thiono) bond to phosphorates with a phosphorus-oxygen bond, resulting in their activation. These enzymes also play a role in the inactivation of certain organophosphorus agents.

The organophosphorus anti-ChE agents are hydrolyzed by two families of enzymes: the carboxylesterases and the paraoxonases (A-esterases). These enzymes are found in the plasma and liver and scavenge or hydrolyze a large number of organophosphorus compounds by cleaving the phosphoester, anhydride, PF, or PCN bonds. The paraoxonases are low-molecular-weight enzymes, requiring Ca2+ for catalysis, whose natural substrate is unclear. Some of the isozymes are associated with high density lipoproteins, and in addition to their capacity to hydrolyze organophosphates, they may control low density lipoprotein oxidation, thereby exerting a protective effect in atherosclerosis (Harel et al., 2004; Mackness et al., 2004). Genetic polymorphisms that govern organophosphate substrate specificity and possible susceptibility to atherosclerosis have been found (Costa et al., 2003; Mackness et al., 2004). Wide variations in paraoxonase activity exist among animal species. Young animals are deficient in carboxylesterases and paraoxonases, which may account for age-related toxicities seen in newborn animals and suspected to be a basis for toxicity in human beings (Padilla et al., 2004).

Plasma and hepatic carboxylesterases (aliesterases) and plasma butyrylcholinesterase are inhibited irreversibly by organophosphorus compounds (Lockridge and Masson, 2000); their scavenging capacity for organophosphates can afford partial protection against inhibition of AChE in the nervous system. The carboxylesterases also catalyze hydrolysis of malathion and other organophosphorus compounds that contain carboxyl-ester linkages, rendering them less active or inactive. Since carboxylesterases are inhibited by organophosphates, toxicity from exposure to two organophosphorus insecticides can be synergistic.


The toxicological aspects of the anti-ChE agents are of practical importance to clinicians. In addition to numerous cases of accidental intoxication from the use and manufacture of organophosphorus compounds as agricultural insecticides (over 40 have been approved for use in the United States), these agents have been used frequently for homicidal and suicidal purposes, largely because of their accessibility. Organophosphorus agents account for as much as 80% of pesticide-related hospital admissions. The World Health Organization documents pesticide toxicity as a widespread global problem; most poisonings occur in developing countries (Bardin et al., 1994; Landrigan et al., 2000). Occupational exposure occurs most commonly by the dermal and pulmonary routes, while oral ingestion is most common in cases of nonoccupational poisoning.

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), by virtue of revised risk assessments and the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, has placed several organophosphate insecticides on restricted use or phase-out status in consumer products for home and garden use. A primary concern relates to children, since the developing nervous system may be particularly susceptible to certain of these agents. The Office of Pesticide Programs of the EPA provides continuous reviews of the status of organophosphate pesticides, their tolerance reassessments, and revisions of risk assessments through their Web site ( Public comment is sought prior to decisions on revisions.

Acute Intoxication. The effects of acute intoxication by anti-ChE agents are manifested by muscarinic and nicotinic signs and symptoms, and, except for compounds of extremely low lipid solubility, by signs referable to the CNS. Systemic effects appear within minutes after inhalation of vapors or aerosols. In contrast, the onset of symptoms is delayed after gastrointestinal and percutaneous absorption. The duration of effects is determined largely by the properties of the compound: its lipid solubility, whether it must be activated to form the oxon, the stability of the organophosphorus-AChE bond, and whether "aging" of the phosphorylated enzyme has occurred.

After local exposure to vapors or aerosols or after their inhalation, ocular and respiratory effects generally appear first. Ocular manifestations include marked miosis, ocular pain, conjunctival congestion, diminished vision, ciliary spasm, and brow ache. With acute systemic absorption, miosis may not be evident due to sympathetic discharge in response to hypotension. In addition to rhinorrhea and hyperemia of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory effects consist of tightness in the chest and wheezing respiration, caused by the combination of bronchoconstriction and increased bronchial secretion. Gastrointestinal symptoms occur earliest after ingestion and include anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. With percutaneous absorption of liquid, localized sweating and muscle fasciculations in the immediate vicinity are generally the earliest symptoms. Severe intoxication is manifested by extreme salivation, involuntary defecation and urination, sweating, lacrimation, penile erection, bradycardia, and hypotension.

Nicotinic actions at the neuromuscular junctions of skeletal muscle usually consist of fatigability and generalized weakness, involuntary twitchings, scattered fasciculations, and eventually severe weakness and paralysis. The most serious consequence is paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Knockout mice lacking AChE can survive under highly supportive conditions and with a special diet, but they exhibit continuous tremors and are stunted in growth (Xie et al., 2000). Mice that selectively lack AChE in skeletal muscle but have normal or near normal expression in brain and organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system grow normally and can reproduce, but have continuous tremors (Camp et al., 2004). These studies show that cholinergic systems can partially adapt to chronically diminished hydrolytic capacity for AChE.

The broad spectrum of effects of acute AChE inhibition on the CNS includes confusion, ataxia, slurred speech, loss of reflexes, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, generalized convulsions, coma, and central respiratory paralysis. Actions on the vasomotor and other cardiovascular centers in the medulla oblongata lead to hypotension.

The time of death after a single acute exposure may range from less than 5 minutes to nearly 24 hours, depending on the dose, route, agent, and other factors. The cause of death primarily is respiratory failure, usually accompanied by a secondary cardiovascular component. Peripheral muscarinic and nicotinic as well as central actions all contribute to respiratory compromise; effects include laryngospasm, bronchoconstriction, increased tracheobronchial and salivary secretions, compromised voluntary control of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, and central respiratory depression. Blood pressure may fall to alarmingly low levels and cardiac arrhythmias intervene. These effects usually result from hypoxemia and often are reversed by assisted pulmonary ventilation.

Delayed symptoms appearing after 1 to 4 days and marked by persistent low blood ChE and severe muscle weakness are termed the intermediate syndrome (Marrs, 1993; De Bleecker et al., 1992; Lotti, 2002). A delayed neurotoxicity also may be evident after severe intoxication (see below).

Diagnosis and Treatment. The diagnosis of severe, acute anti-ChE intoxication is made readily from the history of exposure and the characteristic signs and symptoms. In suspected cases of milder acute or chronic intoxication, determination of the ChE activities in erythrocytes and plasma generally will establish the diagnosis (Storm et al., 2000). Although these values vary considerably in the normal population, they usually are depressed well below the normal range before symptoms are evident.

Atropine in sufficient dosage (see below) effectively antagonizes the actions at muscarinic receptor sites, including increased tracheobronchial and salivary secretion, bronchoconstriction, bradycardia, and to a moderate extent, peripheral ganglionic and central actions. Larger doses are required to get appreciable concentrations of atropine into the CNS. Atropine is virtually without effect against the peripheral neuromuscular compromise, which can be reversed by pralidoxime (2-PAM), a cholinesterase reactivator.

In moderate or severe intoxication with an organophosphorus anti-ChE agent, the recommended adult dose of pralidoxime is 1 to 2 g, infused intravenously over not less than 5 minutes. If weakness is not relieved or if it recurs after 20 to 60 minutes, the dose should be repeated. Early treatment is very important to assure that the oxime reaches the phosphorylated AChE while the latter still can be reactivated. Many of the alkylphosphates are extremely lipid soluble, and if extensive partitioning into body fat has occurred and desulfuration is required for inhibition of AChE, toxicity will persist and symptoms may recur after initial treatment. With severe toxicities from the lipid-soluble agents, it is necessary to continue treatment with atropine and pralidoxime for a week or longer.

General supportive measures also are important, including: (1) termination of exposure, by removal of the patient or application of a gas mask if the atmosphere remains contaminated, removal and destruction of contaminated clothing, copious washing of contaminated skin or mucous membranes with water, or gastric lavage; (2) maintenance of a patent airway, including endobronchial aspiration; (3) artificial respiration, if required; (4) administration of oxygen; (5) alleviation of persistent convulsions with diazepam (5 to 10 mg, intravenously); and (6) treatment of shock (Marrs, 1993; Bardin et al., 1994).

Atropine should be given in doses sufficient to cross the blood-brain barrier. Following an initial injection of 2 to 4 mg, given intravenously if possible, otherwise intramuscularly, 2 mg should be given every 5 to 10 minutes until muscarinic symptoms disappear, if they reappear, or until signs of atropine toxicity appear. More than 200 mg may be required on the first day. A mild degree of atropine block then should be maintained for as long as symptoms are evident. Whereas the AChE reactivators can be of great benefit in the therapy of anti-ChE intoxication (see below), their use must be regarded as a supplement to the administration of atropine.

Cholinesterase Reactivators. Although the phosphorylated esteratic site of AChE undergoes hydrolytic regeneration at a slow or negligible rate, Wilson found that nucleophilic agents, such as hydroxylamine (NH2OH), hydroxamic acids (RCONH¾OH), and oximes (RCH=NOH), reactivate the enzyme more rapidly than does spontaneous hydrolysis. He reasoned that selective reactivation could be achieved by a site-directed nucleophile, wherein interaction of a quaternary nitrogen with the negative subsite of the active center would place the nucleophile in close apposition to the phosphorus. This goal was achieved to a remarkable degree by Wilson and Ginsburg with pyridine-2-aldoxime methyl chloride (pralidoxime) (Figure 8-2E); reactivation with this compound occurs at a million times the rate of that with hydroxylamine. The oxime is oriented proximally to exert a nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus; a phosphoryloxime is formed, leaving the regenerated enzyme.

Several bis-quaternary oximes are even more potent as reactivators for insecticide and nerve gas poisoning (see below); an example is HI-6, which is used in Europe as an antidote. The structures of pralidoxime and HI-6 are:

The velocity of reactivation of phosphorylated AChE by oximes depends on their accessibility to the active center serine (Wong et al., 2000). Furthermore, certain phosphorylated AChEs can undergo a fairly rapid process of "aging," so that within the course of minutes or hours they become completely resistant to the reactivators. "Aging" is due to the loss of one alkoxy group, leaving a much more stable monoalkyl- or monoalkoxy-phosphoryl-AChE (Figure 8-2D and E). Organophosphorus compounds containing tertiary alkoxy groups are more prone to "aging" than are congeners containing the secondary or primary alkoxy groups. The oximes are not effective in antagonizing the toxicity of the more rapidly hydrolyzing carbamoyl ester inhibitors; since pralidoxime itself has weak anti-ChE activity, it is not recommended for the treatment of overdosage with neostigmine or physostigmine or poisoning with carbamoylating insecticides such as carbaryl.

Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Disposition. The reactivating action of oximes in vivo is most marked at the skeletal neuromuscular junction. Following a dose of an organophosphorus compound that produces total blockade of transmission, the intravenous injection of an oxime can restore the response to stimulation of the motor nerve within a few minutes. Antidotal effects are less striking at autonomic effector sites, and the quaternary ammonium group restricts entry into the CNS.

Although high doses or accumulation of oximes can inhibit AChE and cause neuromuscular blockade, they should be given until one can be assured of clearance of the offending organophosphate. Many organophosphates partition into lipid and are released slowly as the active entity.

Current antidotal therapy for organophosphate exposure resulting from warfare or terrorism includes parenteral atropine, an oxime (2-PAM or HI-6), and a benzodiazepine as an anticonvulsant. Parenterally administered human butyrylcholinesterase is under development as an antidote, to scavenge the inhibitor in the plasma before it reaches peripheral and central tissue sites (Doctor, 2003). Because this effect of butyrylcholinesterase is stoichiometric rather than catalytic, large quantities are required.

The oximes and their metabolites are readily eliminated by the kidney.

Delayed Neurotoxicity of Organophosphorus Compounds. Certain fluorine-containing organophosphorus anti-ChE agents (e.g., DFP, mipafox) have in common with the triarylphosphates, of which triorthocresylphosphate (TOCP) is the classical example, the property of inducing delayed neurotoxicity. This syndrome first received widespread attention following the demonstration that TOCP, an adulterant of Jamaica ginger, was responsible for an outbreak of thousands of cases of paralysis that occurred in the United States during Prohibition.

The clinical picture is that of a severe polyneuropathy manifested initially by mild sensory disturbances, ataxia, weakness, muscle fatigue and twitching, reduced tendon reflexes, and tenderness to palpation. In severe cases, the weakness may progress to flaccid paralysis and muscle wasting. Recovery may require several years and may be incomplete.

Toxicity from this organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy is not dependent upon inhibition of cholinesterases; instead a distinct esterase, termed neurotoxic esterase, is linked to the lesions (Johnson, 1993). This enzyme has a substrate specificity for hydrophobic esters, but its natural substrate and function remain unknown (Glynn, 2000). Myopathies that result in generalized necrotic lesions and changes in endplate cytostructure also are found in experimental animals after long-term exposure to organophosphates (Dettbarn, 1984; De Bleecker et al., 1992).


Current use of anti-AChE agents is limited to four conditions in the periphery: atony of the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and urinary bladder, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, and reversal of the paralysis of competitive neuromuscular blocking drugs ( 9). Long-acting and hydrophobic ChE inhibitors are the only inhibitors with well-documented efficacy, albeit limited, in the treatment of dementia symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Physostigmine, with its shorter duration of action, is useful in the treatment of intoxication by atropine and several drugs with anticholinergic side effects (see below); it also is indicated for the treatment of Friedreich's or other inherited ataxias. Edrophonium has been used for terminating attacks of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.

Available Therapeutic Agents. The compounds described here are those commonly used as anti-ChE drugs and ChE reactivators in the United States. Preparations used solely for ophthalmic purposes are described in 63. Conventional dosages and routes of administration are given in the discussion of therapeutic applications (see below).

Physostigmine salicylate (ANTILIRIUM) is available for injection. Physostigmine sulfate ophthalmic ointment and physostigmine salicylate ophthalmic solution also are available. Pyridostigmine bromide is available for oral (MESTINON) or parenteral (REGONOL, MESTINON) use. Neostigmine bromide (PROSTIGMIN) is available for oral use. Neostigmine methylsulfate (PROSTIGMIN) is marketed for parenteral injection. Ambenonium chloride (MYTELASE) is available for oral use. Tacrine (COGNEX), donepezil (ARICEPT), rivastigmine (EXELON), and galantamine (REMINYL) have been approved for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Pralidoxime chloride (PROTOPAM CHLORIDE) is the only AChE reactivator currently available in the United States and can be obtained in a parenteral formulation. HI-6 is available in several European and Near Eastern countries.

Paralytic Ileus and Atony of the Urinary Bladder. In the treatment of both these conditions, neostigmine generally is preferred among the anti-ChE agents. The direct parasympathomimetic agents ( 7) are employed for the same purposes.

Neostigmine is used for the relief of abdominal distension and acute colonic pseudo-obstruction from a variety of medical and surgical causes (Ponec et al., 1999). The usual subcutaneous dose of neostigmine methylsulfate for postoperative paralytic ileus is 0.5 mg, given as needed. Peristaltic activity commences 10 to 30 minutes after parenteral administration, whereas 2 to 4 hours are required after oral administration of neostigmine bromide (15 to 30 mg). It may be necessary to assist evacuation with a small low enema or gas with a rectal tube.

When neostigmine is used for the treatment of atony of the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder, postoperative dysuria is relieved, and the time interval between operation and spontaneous urination is shortened. The drug is used in a similar dose and manner as in the management of paralytic ileus. Neostigmine should not be used when the intestine or urinary bladder is obstructed, when peritonitis is present, when the viability of the bowel is doubtful, or when bowel dysfunction results from inflammatory bowel disease.

Glaucoma and Other Ophthalmologic Indications. Glaucoma is a complex disease characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure that, if sufficiently high and persistent, leads to damage to the optic disc at the juncture of the optic nerve and the retina; irreversible blindness can result. Of the three types of glaucoma¾primary, secondary, and congenital¾anti-AChE agents are of value in the management of the primary as well as of certain categories of the secondary type (e.g., aphakic glaucoma, following cataract extraction); congenital glaucoma rarely responds to any therapy other than surgery. Primary glaucoma is subdivided into narrow-angle (acute congestive) and wide-angle (chronic simple) types, based on the configuration of the angle of the anterior chamber where the aqueous humor is reabsorbed.

Narrow-angle glaucoma is nearly always a medical emergency in which drugs are essential in controlling the acute attack, but the long-range management is often surgical (e.g., peripheral or complete iridectomy). Wide-angle glaucoma, on the other hand, has a gradual, insidious onset and is not generally amenable to surgical improvement; in this type, control of intraocular pressure usually is dependent upon continuous drug therapy.

Since the cholinergic agonists and ChE inhibitors also block accommodation and induce myopia, these agents produce transient blurring of far vision, limited visual acuity in low light, and loss of vision at the margin when instilled in the eye. With long-term administration of the cholinergic agonists and anti-ChE agents, the compromise of vision diminishes. Nevertheless, other agents without these side effects, such as b adrenergic receptor antagonists, prostaglandin analogs, or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, have become the primary topical therapies for open-angle glaucoma (Alward, 1998) ( 63), with AChE inhibitors held in reserve for the chronic conditions when patients become refractory to the above agents. Topical treatment with long-acting ChE inhibitors such as echothiophate gives rise to symptoms characteristic of systemic ChE inhibition. Echothiophate treatment in advanced glaucoma may be associated with the production of cataracts (Alward, 1998).

Anti-ChE agents have been employed locally in the treatment of a variety of other less common ophthalmologic conditions, including accommodative esotropia and myasthenia gravis confined to the extraocular and eyelid muscles. Adie (or tonic pupil) syndrome results from dysfunction of the ciliary body, perhaps because of local nerve degeneration. Low concentrations of physostigmine are reported to decrease the blurred vision and pain associated with this condition. In alternation with a mydriatic drug such as atropine, short-acting anti-ChE agents have proven useful for breaking adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea. (For a complete account of the use of anti-ChE agents in ocular therapy, 63.)

Myasthenia Gravis. Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease characterized by weakness and marked fatigability of skeletal muscle (Drachman, 1994); exacerbations and partial remissions occur frequently. Jolly noted the similarity between the symptoms of myasthenia gravis and curare poisoning in animals and suggested that physostigmine, an agent then known to antagonize curare, might be of therapeutic value. Forty years elapsed before his suggestion was given systematic trial.

The defect in myasthenia gravis is in synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. When a motor nerve of a normal subject is stimulated at 25 Hz, electrical and mechanical responses are well sustained. A suitable margin of safety exists for maintenance of neuromuscular transmission. Initial responses in the myasthenic patient may be normal, but they diminish rapidly, which explains the difficulty in maintaining voluntary muscle activity for more than brief periods.

The relative importance of prejunctional and postjunctional defects in myasthenia gravis was a matter of considerable debate until Patrick and Lindstrom found that rabbits immunized with the nicotinic receptor purified from electric eels slowly developed muscular weakness and respiratory difficulties that resembled the symptoms of myasthenia gravis. The rabbits also exhibited decremental responses following repetitive nerve stimulation, enhanced sensitivity to curare, and following the administration of anti-AChE agents, symptomatic and electrophysiological improvement of neuromuscular transmission. Although this experimental allergic myasthenia gravis and the naturally occurring disease differ somewhat, this animal model prompted intense investigation into whether the natural disease represented an autoimmune response directed toward the ACh receptor. Antireceptor antibodies are detectable in sera of 90% of patients with the disease, although the clinical status of the patient does not correlate precisely with the antibody titer (Drachman et al., 1982; Drachman, 1994; Lindstrom, 2000).

The picture that emerges is that myasthenia gravis is caused by an autoimmune response primarily to the ACh receptor at the postjunctional endplate. These antibodies reduce the number of receptors detectable either by snake a-neurotoxin-binding assays (Fambrough et al., 1973) or by electrophysiological measurements of ACh sensitivity (Drachman, 1994). The autoimmune reaction enhances receptor degradation (Drachman et al., 1982). Immune complexes along with marked ultrastructural abnormalities appear in the synaptic cleft and enhance receptor degradation. These events appear to be a consequence of complement-mediated lysis of junctional folds in the endplate. A related disease that also compromises neuromuscular transmission is Lambert-Eaton syndrome. Here, antibodies are directed against Ca2+ channels that are necessary for presynaptic release of ACh (Lang et al., 1998).

In a subset of approximately 10% of patients presenting with a myasthenic syndrome, muscle weakness has a congenital rather than an autoimmune basis. Characterization of biochemical and genetic bases of the congenital condition has shown mutations to occur in the acetylcholine receptor which affect ligand-binding and channel-opening kinetics (Engel et al., 2003). Other mutations occur as a deficiency in the form of AChE that contains the collagen-like tail unit (Ohno et al., 2000). As expected, following administration of anti-ChE agents (see below), subjective improvement is not seen in most congenital myasthenic patients.

Diagnosis. Although the diagnosis of autoimmune myasthenia gravis usually can be made from the history, signs, and symptoms, its differentiation from certain neurasthenic, infectious, endocrine, congenital, neoplastic, and degenerative neuromuscular diseases can be challenging. However, myasthenia gravis is the only condition in which the aforementioned deficiencies can be improved dramatically by anti-ChE medication. The edrophonium test for evaluation of possible myasthenia gravis is performed by rapid intravenous injection of 2 mg of edrophonium chloride, followed 45 seconds later by an additional 8 mg if the first dose is without effect; a positive response consists of brief improvement in strength, unaccompanied by lingual fasciculation (which generally occurs in nonmyasthenic patients).

An excessive dose of an anti-ChE drug results in a cholinergic crisis. The condition is characterized by weakness resulting from generalized depolarization of the motor endplate; other features result from overstimulation of muscarinic receptors. The weakness resulting from depolarization block may resemble myasthenic weakness, which is manifest when anti-ChE medication is insufficient. The distinction is of obvious practical importance, since the former is treated by withholding, and the latter by administering, the anti-ChE agent. When the edrophonium test is performed cautiously, limiting the dose to 2 mg and with facilities for respiratory resuscitation available, a further decrease in strength indicates cholinergic crisis, while improvement signifies myasthenic weakness. Atropine sulfate, 0.4 to 0.6 mg or more intravenously, should be given immediately if a severe muscarinic reaction ensues (for complete details, see Osserman et al., 1972; Drachman, 1994). Detection of antireceptor antibodies in muscle biopsies or plasma is now widely employed to establish the diagnosis.

Treatment. Pyridostigmine, neostigmine, and ambenonium are the standard anti-ChE drugs used in the symptomatic treatment of myasthenia gravis. All can increase the response of myasthenic muscle to repetitive nerve impulses, primarily by the preservation of endogenous ACh. Following AChE inhibition, receptors over a greater cross-sectional area of the endplate presumably are exposed to concentrations of ACh that are sufficient for channel opening and production of a postsynaptic endplate potential.

When the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis has been established, the optimal single oral dose of an anti-ChE agent can be determined empirically. Baseline recordings are made for grip strength, vital capacity, and a number of signs and symptoms that reflect the strength of various muscle groups. The patient then is given an oral dose of pyridostigmine (30 to 60 mg), neostigmine (7.5 to 15 mg), or ambenonium (2.5 to 5 mg). The improvement in muscle strength and changes in other signs and symptoms are noted at frequent intervals until there is a return to the basal state. After an hour or longer in the basal state, the drug is given again, with the dose increased to one and one-half times the initial amount, and the same observations are repeated. This sequence is continued, with increasing increments of one-half the initial dose, until an optimal response is obtained.

The duration of action of these drugs is such that the interval between oral doses required to maintain a reasonably even level of strength usually is 2 to 4 hours for neostigmine, 3 to 6 hours for pyridostigmine, or 3 to 8 hours for ambenonium. However, the dose required may vary from day to day, and physical or emotional stress, intercurrent infections, and menstruation usually necessitate an increase in the frequency or size of the dose. In addition, unpredictable exacerbations and remissions of the myasthenic state may require adjustment of dosage. Although myasthenia gravis requires physician care at regular intervals, most patients can be taught to modify their dosage regimens according to their changing requirements. Pyridostigmine is available in sustained-release tablets containing a total of 180 mg, of which 60 mg is released immediately and 120 mg over several hours; this preparation is of value in maintaining patients for 6- to 8-hour periods, but should be limited to use at bedtime. Muscarinic cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects of anti-ChE agents generally can be controlled by atropine or other anticholinergic drugs ( 7). However, these anticholinergic drugs mask many side effects of an excessive dose of an anti-ChE agent. In most patients, tolerance develops eventually to the muscarinic effects, so that anticholinergic medication is not necessary. A number of drugs, including curariform agents and certain antibiotics and general anesthetics, interfere with neuromuscular transmission ( 9); their administration to patients with myasthenia gravis is hazardous without proper adjustment of anti-ChE dosage and other appropriate precautions.

Other therapeutic measures should be considered as essential elements in the management of this disease. Controlled studies reveal that glucocorticoids promote clinical improvement in a high percentage of patients. However, when treatment with steroids is continued over prolonged periods, a high incidence of side effects may result ( 59). Gradual lowering of maintenance doses and alternate-day regimens of short-acting steroids are used to minimize side effects. Initiation of steroid treatment augments muscle weakness; however, as the patient improves with continued administration of steroids, doses of anti-ChE drugs can be reduced (Drachman, 1994). Other immunosuppressive agents such as azathioprine and cyclosporine also have been beneficial in more advanced cases ( 52).

Thymectomy should be considered in myasthenia associated with a thymoma or when the disease is not controlled adequately by anti-ChE agents and steroids. The relative risks and benefits of the surgical procedure versus anti-ChE and glucocorticoid treatment require careful assessment in each case. Since the thymus contains myoid cells with nicotinic receptors (Schluep et al., 1987), and a predominance of patients have thymic abnormalities, the thymus may be responsible for the initial pathogenesis. It also is the source of autoreactive T-helper cells. However, the thymus is not required for perpetuation of the condition.

In keeping with the presumed autoimmune etiology of myasthenia gravis, plasmapheresis and immune therapy have produced beneficial results in patients who have remained disabled despite thymectomy and treatment with steroids and anti-ChE agents (Drachman, 1994; Drachman, 1996). Improvement in muscle strength correlates with the reduction of the titer of antibody directed against the nicotinic ACh receptor.

Prophylaxis in Cholinesterase Inhibitor Poisoning. Studies in experimental animals have shown that pretreatment with pyridostigmine reduces the incapacitation and mortality associated with nerve agent poisoning, particularly for agents such as soman that show rapid aging. The first large-scale administration of pyridostigmine to humans occurred in 1990 in anticipation of nerve-agent attack in the first Persian Gulf War. At an oral dose of 30 mg every 8 hours, the incidence of side effects was around 1%, but fewer than 0.1% of the subjects had responses sufficient to warrant discontinuing the drug in the setting of military action (Keeler et al., 1991). Long-term follow-up indicates that veterans of the Persian Gulf War who received pyridostigmine showed a low incidence of a neurologic syndrome, now termed the Persian Gulf War syndrome. It is characterized by impaired cognition, ataxia, confusion, myoneuropathy, adenopathy, weakness, and incontinence (Haley et al., 1997; Institute of Medicine, 2003). While pyridostigmine has been implicated by some as the causative agent, the absence of similar neuropathies in pyridostigmine-treated myasthenic patients makes it far more likely that a combination of agents, including combusted organophosphates and insect repellents in addition to pyridostigmine, contributed to this persisting syndrome. It also is difficult to distinguish residual chemical toxicity from posttraumatic stress experienced after combat action. Pyridostigmine has recently been approved by the FDA for prophylaxis against soman, an organophosphate that rapidly ages following inhibition of cholinesterases.

Intoxication by Anticholinergic Drugs. In addition to atropine and other muscarinic agents, many other drugs, such as the phenothiazines, antihistamines, and tricyclic antidepressants, have central and peripheral anticholinergic activity. Physostigmine is potentially useful in reversing the central anticholinergic syndrome produced by overdosage or an unusual reaction to these drugs (Nilsson, 1982). The effectiveness of physostigmine in reversing the anticholinergic effects of these agents has been clearly documented. However, other toxic effects of the tricyclic antidepressants and phenothiazines (s 17 and 18), such as intraventricular conduction deficits and ventricular arrhythmias, are not reversed by physostigmine. In addition, physostigmine may precipitate seizures; hence, its usually small potential benefit must be weighed against this risk. The initial intravenous or intramuscular dose of physostigmine is 2 mg, with additional doses given as necessary. Physostigmine, a tertiary amine, crosses the blood-brain barrier, in contrast to the quaternary anti-AChE drugs. The use of anti-ChE agents to reverse the effects of competitive neuromuscular blocking agents is discussed in 9.

Alzheimer's Disease. A deficiency of intact cholinergic neurons, particularly those extending from subcortical areas such as the nucleus basalis of Meynert, has been observed in patients with progressive dementia of the Alzheimer type (Markesbery, 1998). Using a rationale similar to that in other CNS degenerative diseases ( 20), therapy for enhancing concentrations of cholinergic neurotransmitters in the CNS was investigated (Mayeux and Sano, 1999). In 1993, the FDA approved tacrine (tetrahydroaminoacridine) for use in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, but a high incidence of hepatotoxicity limits the utility of this drug. About 30% of the patients receiving low doses of tacrine within 3 months have alanine aminotransferase values three times normal; upon discontinuing the drug, liver function values return to normal in 90% of the patients. Other side effects are typical of AChE inhibitors.

More recently, donepezil was approved for clinical use. At 5- and 10-mg daily oral doses, improved cognition and global clinical function were seen in the 21- to 81-week intervals studied (Dooley and Lamb, 2000). In long-term studies, the drug delayed symptomatic progression of the disease for periods up to 55 weeks. Side effects are largely attributable to excessive cholinergic stimulation, with nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting being most frequently reported. The drug is well tolerated in single daily doses. Usually, 5-mg doses are administered at night for 4 to 6 weeks; if this dose is well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 10 mg daily.

Rivastigmine, a long-acting carbamoylating inhibitor, recently has been approved for use in the United States and Europe. Although fewer studies have been conducted, its efficacy, tolerability, and side effects are similar to those of donepezil (Corey-Bloom et al., 1998; Giacobini, 2000). Eptastigmine, another carbamoylating inhibitor, was associated with adverse hematologic effects in two studies, resulting in suspension of clinical trials. Galantamine is another AChE inhibitor recently approved by the FDA. It has a side-effect profile similar to those of donepezil and rivastigmine.

Therapeutic strategies with new compounds are directed at maximizing the ratio of central to peripheral ChE inhibition and the use of ChE inhibitors in conjunction with selective cholinergic agonists and antagonists. Combination therapy and other therapeutic strategies are presented in 20.


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